I started making probes in the 1970s. All the locals knew where to go for them back then. Having personally used & made 1000s over the years, design and knowing what materials to use became apparent.
You will not find a higher quality or more effective probe anywhere.
One of the most effective ways to know what lies beneath the surface of soil is with the use of one of our probes. Our rods are desgined to accurately locate: privies, buried objects or sampling & checking soil consistency.
With a little practice anyone can learn to use one in no time at all.
This pit was twenty feet deep and could tell with the probe we had bottles starting at nine ft.

Our one continuous piece construction is available in lengths up to seven feet. The memory is so good that a twenty foot section bent in a circle will bounce back straight as an arrow! Try that with any other probe rod material.
They are designed to amplify sound that is transmitted from the tip to the handle making objects easier to identify. They resonate very well and sing like a tuning fork!
Our probes have been featured in “American Digger” a national treasure hunting magazine.
Made with a technically advanced metal that's superior in rigidity and memory. It allows our diameter to be smaller thus making them much easier to use. This makes a big difference with multiple advantages besides being more effective:
Penetrates easier leaving a smaller hole
More easily used to greater depths
Longer life
Greater sensitivity
Cover more area in less time
- Lighter weight
- Higher success rate
Our probes are 100%welded construction and come with a long lasting "carbide" ball tip that will out last others 100-1. The welded carbon tip has a rough surface that helps hold a soil sample. Always read the very tip only and not the backside to get a accurate sample from as deep as the rod is pushed.

Our probes penetrate easy and are very effective. For general use we recommend four or five foot which are the most popular. Experienced privy diggers know the importance of longer probes to "follow-up" so we offer lengths up to seven feet online. "Following-up" allows you go deeper to gauge depth and sample soil. Longer length can be picked up at our shop in Northern California. Standard handle width is 10 inches, 3ft. and under is less. The narrow handle is designed so hands are placed more over the center of rod making it easier to use.